Thursday, May 27, 2010

Mark 6:53-56 Jesus Heals in Gennesaret

53 When they had crossed over, they came to the land of Gennesaret and anchored there. 54 And when they came out of the boat, immediately the people recognized Him, 55 ran through that whole surrounding region, and began to carry about on beds those who were sick to wherever they heard He was. 56 Wherever He entered into villages, cities, or in the country, they laid the sick in the marketplaces, and begged Him that they might just touch the hem of His garment. And as many as touched Him were made well.

Having crossed safely over Jesus and the disciples now come to the land of Gennesaret and anchor there. Slightly south and west of Capernaum, Gennesaret was on the Northern shoreline of the Sea of Galilee. In fact the Sea of Galilee at different times in its history is also referred to as the Sea of Gennesaret, while the “land of Gennesaret” was a designation of the beautiful and very fertile plain that ran about a mile from east to west and five miles inland north and south off the Northwestern shoreline, where figs, olives and palm trees flourished. Apparently this area was referred to by the rabbi’s as “the garden of God”* an appellation that appears in its name, **the first syllable being the Hebrew word for garden.

Now as they came out of the boat immediately the people there recognize Him. Therefore the people are very attentive to the presence of Jesus in their midst, they may not have fully understood all about His Person, but they most certainly understand Him as the miracle worker whom has power to heal on demand no matter what a person’s circumstances. So they rush to gather as many sick as they can, to bring them to Jesus wherever He goes. In villages, in cities, in rural settings, in marketplaces, wherever word of Jesus Christ’s Person is there people bring their ailing ones to be healed by Him. You also may not understand all things about Jesus Christ’s Person, but know this that it is He and He alone who has Power to heal you, to immediately heal your broken heart and wounded soul and bring you back into a right relationship with God the Father. Notice too that those who were brought to Jesus begged that they might touch just the hem of His garment. No doubt the women who had the flow of blood and was immediately healed when she touched just the Hem of Jesus’ garment testimony had spread and now it has become a means by which God was drawing even more people to Himself, so as in her case “…as many as touched Him were made well.” Vs. 56 For as with the women who touched Jesus so here He allows the people to touch Him that He might heal them and thus touch you with His love for you. Have you than allowed God to touch you? That is with His message of His love for you? That is what the gospel reveals, our sick condition yet God’s willingness to heal us immediately when we believe in His Son Jesus Christ crucified for our sins redemption then raised from the dead so that we might be given new and everlasting life when we believe in Him. For it is by faith in Jesus Christ that we experience God's love and life everlasting.

Scripture Quotations
The Holy Bible, New King James Version, (Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, Inc.) 1982.

Additional Resources 
*Gleaned from Visual Bible Alive; (Internet)
**Gleaned from International Standard Bible Encyclopedia; (Internet)

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