Saturday, July 29, 2017


Throughout the Bible genealogies have been carefully recorded for us. Now some of these pertain to the origins of mankind and the earliest of nations, while later ones pertain to the nation of Israel and it's origins; it's twelve tribes, it's leaders, and it's priesthood, all which always needed to be maintained since only the descendants of Levi could serve in the priesthood, with only the descendants of Aaron, Moses brother, could serve as high priest. And so genealogies are very important in the Word of God for it is through these that we follow aspects of human history and the development of the nations; specifically Israel, the nation God choose for Himself to bring forth His Son into the world; and so through them we see the linage that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ followed in becoming a Man to enter into the humanity for us all. Thus Matthew 1:1-17 and Luke 3:23-38 record how the Promised Seed, Savior and Christ, God's only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ came into the world, not exclusively through the descendants of Israel, nor of Aaron, nor of David, but while respecting these lineages, (and descending through them), Jesus Christ specifically became flesh (that is He became a full human being) for us all through the first man Adam, the first man who sinned, and who by doing so brought sin not only into himself, but all of creation. And so it is by Adam that all of humanity dies, (indeed all of creation), for when sin entered the world so did death, and thus through Adam we have our universal alienation from God. For all of us trace our ancestry right back to Adam, the first man, the head of the human race. And so that is our ancestry, whether Jew or Gentile, or any of the sub-divisions, Caucasian, African, Asian, or Aboriginal or however you choose to identify yourself; you and I are all descendants of Adam, and as such you and I are by our being descendants of Adam are born into an alienation from God through sin. And that is the universal condition of us all, alienated from God with no means to restore ourselves back to Him.
Therefore the Lord Jesus Christ in order to restore humanity back to God Himself when He became a Man He did not do so exclusively through the Nation of Israel (though critical for His for His fulfilling God's Word and establishing His Kingdom, and thus His Throne and Priesthood by which He will Rule humanity), He did so through the first man Adam. So that He might take the place of Adam as the Head of the human race, and by suffering Crucifixion death in our place, so that the death penalty having been paid for all our sins and transgressions (from Adam's onward) by Christ's own shed blood, He might now redeem each and everyone one of us from sin and death who believe in Him, and thus by doing so restore us all who believe in Him back to God (John 3:16).
The Book of Romans chapter five (5:12-21) expounds this truth most wonderfully, stating: 18 Therefore, as through one man’s offense judgment came to all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one Man’s righteous act the free gift came to all men, resulting in justification of life. 19 For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man’s obedience many will be made righteous. Rom. 5:18-19
Therefore when anyone comes to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ they have not only remission of all their sins and transgressions, and new and everlasting life, but we are a new creation in Christ with a new ancestral pedigree that now begins and ends with Christ the firstborn from the dead (Col 1:15-17). For you and I who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ are not only brought to Spirit life (i.e. are born-again) the moment we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ Crucified and Raised from the dead, but in being transferred out of the realm of sin and death (thus Satan's domain and realm) we are no longer identified with Adam in the sight of God, but only with Christ. Thus when any Christian wants to understand their own "genealogy" let us all now remember that it all starts and ends with Christ. For in being born again by God's Holy Spirit we are united with Christ in every aspect of His Death and Resurrection Life, and so we not only died to all our sins and transgressions In Christ's death but He is now our only Lord and Saviour, who by His own Righteousness has given us a Justified standing in the sight of God our Father forever. And so it is the Lord Jesus Christ who is the head of us all who believe in Him not Adam. Therefore whatever you once were in the flesh you are not now in Christ, for In Christ old things have passed away, all things have become new (2 Cor. 5:17). Therefore I urge you who believe to live as you now are, and if you have not yet believed and received the Lord Jesus Christ for yourself please to do so now. For In Jesus Christ all the Promises of God are received and realized. Therefore don't delay be reconciled to God today! 

Scripture Quotations
The New King James Version. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1982.

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